
How do I find the Part Number for the Belt on My Milnor Machine?

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How do I find the Part Number for the Belt on My Milnor Machine?
Picture Examples of Belts, Description of the General Rules of Part Number Designation for Milnor Belts. Noting there are Exceptions to the Rule

There are a variety of belts used on Milnor Machines.  From Washer/Extractors to 2-Stage Presses, belts are used in single belt and multiple belt configurations. 

All the belts are marked with a part number that can be used to determine what the Milnor part number is.  Or, at least will be very helpful information when comparing the part number to the belt charts arranged by model number.  Some belts have the Milnor part number stamped directly on to the belt. Whatever the case may be, it's always best to know the numbers that are on the belt.  You will have to have this information to be certain you're getting the correct part.

For Washer Extractors with Single Drive Belt configutrations click  DRIVE BELT PART NUMBERS FOR SINGLE DRIVE WASHER EXTRACTORS
For Washer Extractors with multiple Drive Belt configurations, click DRIVE BELT PART NUMBERS FOR MULTIPLE DRIVE WASHER EXTRACTORS
For Extractors only Drive Belt part numbers, click DRIVE BELT PART NUMBERS FOR MILNOR EXTRACTORS
and for Belt Configurations for 2 Stage Presses, click PUMP BELT AND DRIVE BELT PART NUMBERS FOR MILNOR 2 STAGE PRESSES

Let's look at some example's of the information on the belt.  Again, this is necessary to ensure you are getting the correct belt. 
First, an example of the Milnor Part Number being Stamped directly on the belt.
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56VR080XB3 is the Milnor part number on this belt.  This is what you would order if you needed the replacement. 
56VR080XB3 is an example of a Cogged belt as well as a Banded Belt. 
Cogged because it has slots that run perpendicular to the belt's length. The slots reduce the belt's bending resistance.  Also known as a  Toothed belt.
Banded because it consists of two or more belt strands joined together. The belts are vulcanized together with a tie band that makes it a homogeneous belt.

Many Belts do not have the whole Milnor Part number.  But, by retrieving the number from the belt, your dealer can find the part number quickly.
From the belt pictured below, we get the info 3V630.  Your reseller can do a quick search of their price list to tell you the part number is 56VR063S
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Here's another example.  This part number is 56VA038X.  If you gave the part # AX38.1 to your dealer, they'd have the correct part number for you right away.
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The belt below is part number 56VS1600M8.  Just give your dealer 5V1600. 
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  Or, if you prefer, you can look it up in the links above.  
Just Choose the article that best describes the machine you are working on and search for your model number.




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