
Video - How to Unbrick a DCUL-7 Display

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Video - How to Unbrick a DCUL-7 Display
The display is bricked due to incompatible machine software. The video will walk through the process of recovering the bricked display after you have the compatible software.

How to Unbrick a DCUL-7 Display on Milnor Machines

  1. Turn the machine off, install the compatible software on the processor board.
  2. Be sure the TXT/GPX jumper on the processor board is set to GPX.
  3. Remove the display, and locate the 2 LEDS near the bottom of the display board.
  4. Turn the machine and on watch the LED to the right. It should begin to flicker, pause and begin flickering again.
  5. At this time, press the "ENTER" or "LEVEL" button. This is software specific. The "ENTER" button is typically used for extractors and the "LEVEL" button is typically used on washers.
  6. The LED on the right should begin to flash in a steady rhythm. At this time the processor has cleared the memory on the display and is writing the display code to the display.
  7. Once the LED on the right pauses, it will begin to flash again.
  8. Check the display to confirm it is functioning again.
  9. Put the display back, and... That's it!
For compatible software call us, (504) 712-7780 or email




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