The CBW can monitor the conductivity in the press / extractor tank, the pulse flow tank (PFT), and the incoming water line and adjust operations accordingly.
1. Under the Program Constants on the Hardware Configuration of the Mentor, you input how many conductivity probes are installed on the CBW (0-3).
- If Mentor is configured for one conductivity probe, it will be located in the PFT
- If Mentor is configured for two conductivity probes, they will be in the PFT, and the second in the Extraction tank.
- If Mentor is configured for three conductivity probes, they will be in the PFT, Extraction tank, and the third will be on incoming fresh water to the PFT.
2. There are other values that must be programmed in the Program Constants on the Hardware Page on Mentor.
- Maximum Conductivity in the Press Tank
- Minimum Conductivity in the Press Tank
- Maximum Conductivity in the Pulse Flow Tank
- Number of Transfers to retain Maximum Conductivity
- Purge Formula for High Conductivity
The Impact on CBW Operation
Press / Extractor tank operation
If the conductivity in the press tank is above a programmed maximum value the press water will be diverted to sewer rather than the Pulse Flow tank. A purge formula may be inserted after a number of transfers at high conductivity.
Pulse Flow Tank Operation
If the conductivity in the pulse flow tank is above a programmed maximum value, the tank is drained and refilled with fresh water. If the conductivity is still over the maximum value after refilling, a warning is displayed.
Incoming Water
The conductivity of the incoming water is displayed on the Mentor run screen for reference only. It does not affect conductivity control in the press tank or the pulse flow tank.