
Video - Calibrating the MilTouch Touchscreen

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Video - Calibrating the MilTouch Touchscreen
If you need to calibrate the touchscreen, follow these procedures.
Recalibration of the touchscreen on the MilTouch controller will be needed if calibration is lost. There are three ways you can recalibrate the MilTouch touchscreen.

Using a USB drive (Preferred Method)

  1. This applies to software version 30017 and above.
  2. Download 'cal.rcs', located at the bottom of the page, and put it on the root of your USB drive.
  3. Turn the machine off and plug in the USB drive to the machine.
  4. Turn the machine on.  Wait until you see the TSLIB calibration utility.
  5. Remove the USB drive.  
  6. Touch each crosshair as it appears. The use of a stylus or the end of a pen is recommended to reduce the possibility of generating multiple inputs with one touch. This can cause poor calibration.

    Calibration Layout
  7. After calibrating, a message will appear "Is the calibration correct?". Test the touch functionality of the area around the dialogue box. If everything is satisfactory, click the “Check Mark” button. 
  8. The machine will then reboot and launch the MilTouch software. 

Other Methods

Use the 10YMTOUCHR dongle on the J21 plug. This applies to version 30016 and above.
Use the built in calibrate button in the software.

Do not use Sharp Objects to Calibrate the Touchscreen

Never use a screwdriver or other sharp objects to calibrate a MilTouch touchscreen. Use a stylus or the back of a pen (seen in the calibration video above) to calibrate your screen.
Sharp Object Picture Stylus Picture

MilTouch™ Touchscreen Calibration Video Tutorial

Why is my touchscreen calibration still not correct even after attempting a calibration?

Milnor® uses a resistive touchscreen in the MilTouch controller. This screen uses pressure to store an exact point of touch. Using your finger may generate multiple points of touch. For this reason, a stylus is recommended to provide a more accurate calibration.

Note: Pressing too hard on the screen can cause damage to not only the touch sensor, but the display screen itself. If either of these is compromised, you will have to replace the processor/display assembly.




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